A New Year, A New Tourney Season!

Happy New Year’s, guys! Hopefully everyone partied hard and safely. Another year is behind us and that only means one thing: tourney season is fastly approaching! Gamanoabura got things underway in the new year with yet another NSBTV stream. 10 teams entered and Dashio(Viper) and Acqua(Ibuki) were in attendence at this tourney as well. Catch the recording if you missed out on it or watch again to study those matchups!

Also, if you’re trying to get your fix for AE footage, here is a list of Youtube channels that will be uploading footage directly from Japan:


SSF4AE(AirRyu and Kim1234’s channel)

Tokido77(Yes, THE Tokido)


Enjoy! And let’s not forget: Only 1 more week until Arcana Heart 3 drops on consoles in Japan and just another month until, the highly anticipated, Marvel vs Capcom 3! 2011 is already shaping up to be the year we make contact! THIS BATTLE IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE!





One response to “A New Year, A New Tourney Season!”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, Rafael Arias. Rafael Arias said: https://alphaism.com/?p=106 <— tourney season fastly approaching + small guide to SSF4AE youtube channels. DOWN WITH WINTER! […]

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