Tag: Tokido

  • A New Year, A New Tourney Season!

    Happy New Year’s, guys! Hopefully everyone partied hard and safely. Another year is behind us and that only means one thing: tourney season is fastly approaching! Gamanoabura got things underway in the new year with yet another NSBTV stream. 10 teams entered and Dashio(Viper) and Acqua(Ibuki) were in attendence at this tourney as well. Catch…

  • GodsGarden initial impressions of SSF4:AE featuring Itazan, Mago,Tokido, KSK, Nemo and Hiropon!

    4gamer.net(original article which includes exclusive match vids) took the time to interview the GodsGarden crew regarding their initial impressions of SSF4:AE since it recently dropped in Japan on 12/16. The GodsGarden crew discusses the new additions to AE(Yun and Yang) and talk about the console characters in the new version of SF4. Shoutouts to SamJKim for…

  • More AE Updates!

    So, AE has finally gone into operation in Japan and everyone is waiting on those vids to come out. At the moment there are two active channels and one of them belongs to two of the top 8 SBO finishes: Kim1234 and Air! There are still vids being uploaded to the account as we speak.…