Category: Videos
Revisiting the past series: Wii boxing?
Sup yall. I’ve been listening to past Alphaism shows and thought the best parts of them should be cut out and put on youtube so the general public can enjoy. Bunkei asked me if I wanted to contribute the videos to the site so here I am. I will be posting bits and pieces of…
More AE videos from A-cho!!
I know that if you’re like me, you’d be waiting impatiently for some good AE Makoto play. Wait no more!! :)~
AlphaISM Radio – August 21, 2009 @ 7 PM PST – NORTHWEST MAJORS!!! GET HYPE!!!
Hey everyone, Again, I’m briefly reprising my role as host for Friday night as we interview Brent, the organizer for Northwest Majors 2009, which is taking place this coming Saturday. If you lived anywhere near the NW (as I do), you NEED to go to this tournament. This is where the best fighting gamers in…